Located in LaPlace, Louisiana, River Place Behavioral Health Hospital is a state-of-the-art anxiety treatment center serving the greater New Orleans metropolitan area.
Learn More About Anxiety Treatment
Learn More About Anxiety Treatment at River Place Behavioral Health Hospital
The category of anxiety disorders includes several types of mental illness, all of which can have a distinct negative effect on a person’s ability to live a healthy and satisfying life.
The impact of anxiety disorders can vary considerably based upon a number of personal factors, such as the type of anxiety disorder that an individual has developed, the nature and severity of his or her symptoms, and the presence of any co-occurring disorders.
Depending upon these factors, an untreated anxiety disorder can undermine a person’s ability to work, attend school, develop and maintain healthy interpersonal relationships, and otherwise fully participate in a productive independent lifestyle.
With effective professional treatment, though, a person who has been struggling with an anxiety disorder can experience a significant improvement in quality of life. At River Place Behavioral Health, we are dedicated to providing the comprehensive, personalized care that will alleviate certain symptoms of anxiety disorders, and can also help individuals learn how to manage remaining symptoms in a manner that will minimize their impact on his or her life.
When a person chooses to heal from an anxiety disorder at River Place Behavioral Health, he or she will receive the all-inclusive guidance and support that will promote immediate progress while also preparing him or her for long-term success.
Helping a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Anxiety
If someone in your life has been struggling with an anxiety disorder, you know how difficult this experience can be, both for the afflicted individual and for loved ones such as yourself. Knowing that a friend or family member is in pain but being incapable of easing his or her suffering can be excruciating.
While it is true that you cannot cure your loved one’s anxiety disorder, you can play an important role in the effort to improve his or her life. Please consider the following:
- First, educate yourself about anxiety disorders. Learning about the symptoms that your loved one is experiencing, and understanding their potential causes and effects, can prepare you to provide meaningful support to your friend or family member.
- Talk to your love one. Express your concern and emphasize your support. Perhaps most importantly, listen. If your loved one is able and willing to talk about his or her struggles, this will provide you with essential insights that can guide your efforts to help. If he or she either cannot or will not discuss the problem, this can also help you to understand the scope of your loved one’s struggle.
- Explore treatment options. Your research into anxiety disorders, coupled with the information that you have gained from your discussions with your loved one, will give you a solid picture of the challenge your loved one is facing. As you look into treatment options for your loved one, remember that your goal is not to find a “perfect” program, but rather to find the program that’s the best fit for your loved one.
- Identify treatment providers that appear to be a good match according to what your loved one has been experiencing. As noted earlier on this page, a thorough professional assessment will be necessary to determine an accurate diagnosis and to develop an effective treatment plan, but you can help to find sources of treatment that are well suited to your loved one.
- Get help. Ideally, you should not be taking this entire effort on by yourself. If possible, enlist a small group of close friends or trusted family members. These individuals can assist with research, and can also help support your loved one until he or she gets into treatment. The members of this group can also be sources of support for each other. You cannot best serve your loved one if you are neglecting your own needs.
- Offer tangible support. Accompany your loved one to appointments. Provide transportation, arrange for childcare, prepare meals, and volunteer whatever other forms of support will remove obstacles that stand between your loved one and the care that he or she needs.
Finally, remember that the path of recovery from an anxiety disorder can be long and challenging. Manage your expectations, and prepare to be an ongoing source of support before, during, and after he or she enters treatment.
Why Consider Us?
Why Consider Treatment for Anxiety at River Place Behavioral Health
When a person fails to receive effective professional care for an anxiety disorder, he or she may experience a wide range of negative outcomes.
Depending upon the type of anxiety disorder that a person has developed, and the severity of his or her experiences, the impact can range from mildly distressing to devastating. Symptoms of untreated anxiety disorders can prevent a person from achieving in school and can stop him or her from getting and keeping a job. Some anxiety disorders cause individuals to withdraw from friends and family members and otherwise isolate themselves.
The impact of academic and/or occupational failures, diminished relationships, isolation, and related effects can exacerbate a person’s symptoms and further erode his or her quality of life.
When a person who is struggling with an anxiety disorder enters an effective treatment program such as River Place Behavioral Health, he or she can be shielded from further harm and can begin to heal from past damage. Effective treatment for an anxiety disorder can empower a person to pursue a healthier, more productive, and more satisfying future.
Types of Treatment Available
Types of Treatment for Anxiety at River Place Behavioral Health
Located in LaPlace, Louisiana, and serving the New Orleans metropolitan area, River Place Behavioral Health is a new, state-of-the-art inpatient mental and behavioral health treatment center. With updated technology to provide the best care for our patients, electronic medical records for ensuring prompt retrieval of pertinent information, and a secluded area that offers privacy, River Place is an ideal setting for you to begin healing from the effects of anxiety disorders.
At River Place Behavioral Health, we recognize that people respond to various treatment interventions differently, and a person’s age can be a major factor in how he or she processes the skills he or she is learning. For this reason, we offer specialized treatment tracks for adolescents and adults. Each program is designed to meet the specific needs of each population, ensuring that all participants achieve true and lasting healing.
Regardless of which program you take part in, we will provide you with an individualized treatment plan that outlines the specific therapeutic interventions and treatment modalities that will best help you begin to heal from the effects of anxiety disorders. Within this treatment plan, the following services may be offered:
Medical care: If you are in need of medical care during your time at River Place, our internal medicine clinicians, advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs), and other nurses are available to provide daily services.
Medication management: When you are being treated for an anxiety disorder, certain medications may be recommended to alleviate distressing symptoms. Your need for medication management services will be assessed upon admission and throughout your stay. You will have access to these services, which will include close monitoring of the effects of your medications, three times per week.
Individual therapy: Individual therapy is offered on an as-needed basis. It serves as a time for you to work one-on-one with a social worker or counselor to process the challenges you are facing, address any concerns you may be having, and celebrate successes as you achieve them.
Group therapy: Group therapy is an integral part of the treatment process when receiving care for the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, and you will participate in group sessions on a daily basis. These sessions are led by social workers, counselors, nurses, and behavioral health technicians, and may include discussions on the following topics:
- Life management
- Communities
- Self-esteem building
- Goals
- Coping skills
- Daily living skills
Family therapy: Recognizing that mental health disorders can affect your entire family, we provide family therapy sessions so as to allow you and your loved ones the opportunity to process through the challenges you have faced and work towards coming together as a strong, healthy family unit. Family therapy sessions are led by counselors, social workers, and psychiatrists, depending on the specific needs of your family.
Experiential therapies: In order to provide you with a holistic approach to care as you learn to manage the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, we offer a number of experiential therapies that complement the more traditional forms of therapy. By taking part in these activities at our hospital, you can achieve healing on all levels – mind, body, and spirit. Our experiential therapies include the following:
- Movement / exercise
- Art therapy
- Music therapy
Continuing Care
Continuing Care After Inpatient Treatment for Mental Illness
Inpatient treatment is often only the first step in the process of learning to fully manage the symptoms of anxiety disorders. This level of care is designed to help you achieve stabilization and begin developing coping skills and additional tools that allow you to jumpstart your recovery. But once inpatient care has come to an end, you may benefit from receiving ongoing outpatient services. These services will help you solidify the skills you learned while in inpatient treatment, and truly thrive as you move forward.
Various levels of outpatient care are available. Our recommendations for the specific level that will be of most benefit to you will be based upon your unique needs and treatment goals. When you begin treatment at River Place, we will immediately start developing a discharge plan that will outline recommendations for follow-up care.
River Place is focused solely on providing inpatient care. However, once your time for discharge arrives, we will provide referrals for outside resources that deliver necessary continuing care.
At River Place Behavioral Health, we are dedicated to ensuring that all of your needs are met. Our support does not end when you leave our hospital. Instead, we will continue to provide ongoing encouragement and assistance as you step down to the next level of care and rejoin your community.
If you or a loved one is in need of comprehensive treatment to heal from the effects of an anxiety disorder, look no further than River Place Behavioral Health. Our knowledgeable and compassionate staff members are available to answer any questions you may have, and to help you decide if our hospital is the right fit for you.